Winemaking Bottling

  • Bottle Bordeaux Clear


    This is a 375ml Bordeaux style bottle, clear in color, and comes packed 12 per case.

    Market Price

  • Bottle Bordeaux Clear Tall


    This is a tall 750ml Bordeaux style bottle, clear in color, and packed 12 per case.


  • Bottle Bordeaux Cobalt Blue


    This is a 750ml cobalt blue Bordeaux style bottle. Packed 12 per case.


  • Bottle Bordeaux Green


    This is a 375ml green Bordeaux style bottle and has a punted bottom. Packed 12 per case.


  • Bottle Bordeaux Green


    This is a 750ml Bordeaux style bottle, green with a punted bottom, and packed 12 per case.


  • Bottle Bordeaux Green


    This is a 750ml green Bordeaux style bottle, tapered with a deep punt. Packed 12 per case. 12 inches in size.

    Market Price

  • Bottle Bordeaux Green


    This is a 750ml green Bordeaux style bottle, tapered with a deep punt. Packed 12 per case. 13 inches in size.


  • Bottle Bordeaux clear/flat


    Clear (flint) glass with a flat bottom. Packed 6 to a case.

    Market Price

  • Bottle Claret Green


    This is a 750ml Claret style bottle. Packed 12 per case.

    Market Price

  • Bottle Clear 375ml


    Flint glass (clear) 375 ml tall style perfect Limoncello or your dessert wines. Packed 12 per case.


  • Bottle Gallon Jug

    4/1 gallon

    One gallon jug with screw top cap. Packed 4 per case.


  • Bottle Hock Clear


    This is a 750ml Hock style bottle, clear in color, and packed 12 per case.

    Market Price

  • Bottle Magnum

    5L/ 1ct

    6 liter magnum bottle. Perfect for special occasions or unique events.




    Synthetic cork 1 1/2 " in legnth. Cost effective solution. Works great with hand corkers.




    Synthetic cork 1 1/2" in length, standard diameter. Cost effective solution for corking your bottles. Great for use with hand corkers.


  • Corks, Tasting

    100 COUNT

    Tasting corks, natural cork insert with a hard plastic cap. Suitable for reclosing open bottles and short term storage. Great for stabile libations.


  • Corks, Tasting

    25 COUNT


  • Corks,Colmated-38mm Length


    1 1/2 inch economy grade corks. Great for wines stored less than two years. Natural cork pieces colmated to form an effective closure.


  • Corks,Scott Labs 45mm

    1000 COUNT

    1 3/4 inch in length

    Market Price

  • Corks,Scott Labs-45mm length

    100 COUNT

    1 3/4 inch in length


  • PVC Caps, Black w Gold

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Black with Gold Grapes capsules is an attractive, glossy covering decorated with gold bands and grape clusters around the circumference and embossed gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • $13.50

  • PVC Caps, Burgundy w Gold

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Burgundy with Gold Grapes capsule is an attractive, glossy red covering decorated with gold bands and grape clusters around the circumference and an embossed gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Green w Gold

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Green with Gold Grapes capsule is an attractive, glossy green covering decorated with gold bands and grape clusters around the circumference and an embossed gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.

    Market Price

  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-BLACK

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The black capsule is an attractive, flat black covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-Burgundy

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Burgundy capsule is an attractive covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-GOLD

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Gold capsule is an attractive, mildly glossy deep gold covering with no print and a bright gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-Green

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The green capsule is an attractive, flat forest green covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-Purple

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The purple capsule is an attractive, flat purple covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-RED

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Holiday Red capsule is an attractive, shiny bright red covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • PVC Caps, Solid Color-SILVER

    100 COUNT

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, a common plastic) capsules shrink under the application of heat, providing an easy but elegant bottle dressing. The Silver capsule is an attractive, mildly glossy silver covering with no print and a gold foil top. Includes a pull-tab for easy removal.


  • $1.00

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